Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

~ Don't Eat or Drink Toooo Much Turkey"~

                       Hi Y'all !From_Aaron's Hilltop Farm, North Central Texas!
In East Texas, Folks always said around this time of the year..."Don't Eat or Drink to much Turkey"! Being a kid, I never knew exactly what that meant but it was sure catchy! Fast-forward to I know. I can buy into the Eat part tradition....

Eat later! But,I've come to disagree with that 'stuff yourself" mentality during the "Open Eating Season"_November through January!

And,I have Never,Ever bought into this "Drink Turkey" Thingies...

VS....Eat Turkey...
                                 ~ Turkey Dudes on the hunt for Dudettes ~

I have come to the conclusion that "A
Being Thankful Binge" suits me to a "T".

No longer can I hum the tune...
Over the hill and through the woods
To Grandmother’s house we go.

The new song...."Over the freeway & through the TRAFFIC, I'll go to my Sister's Home this year for the Thanksgiving Feast"! I have already informed her that I will NOT be overindulging in buttery, sugary, saturated-y fatty, etc..."stuff" & no yesteryear's of "Second Helpings".This has been my new "Mantra" since the Summer....& it works! 

Eat small amounts of the foods you love, Pace yourself,slow down & Drink plenty of water!!!

Here's hoping "YOU" count "YOUR BLESSINGS",enjoy your Family, Don't eat or drink too much Turkey, & have some fun on the first feasting of the...



XOXO, The Sage Book Whisperer.

Monday, November 19, 2012

~The Perfect Storm of BEE~N~THANKFUL~

It's that time of the year again_"MY FAVORITE" of all Holidays_bar none...well,maybe except "My Birthday"_I consider a holiday...just sayin!

I liken"Thanksgiving" to the "Perfect Storm"! The term a "perfect storm" is an expression that describes an event where a rare combination of circumstances will result in an event of unusual magnitude.

The Oxford English Dictionary has published references going back to 1718 for “perfect storm,” though the earliest citations use the phrase positively, as in a “perfect storm” of applause. The first use of the expression in the meteorological sense comes from the March 20, 1936, issue of the Port Arthur News in Texas where the weather bureau described a "flood" as "the perfect storm".Since that time "perfect storm" seems to denote something negative!

I'm incline to use the term in a more "Positive way".......
You see, most people around this time of the year trend towards being NICE: Sharing,Giving,Smiling more than usual...

Families gather together_some people anticipate family gatherings with joyful expectations;others with dread!Expectation is actually a powerful state of mind_remain centered within_ to share and "Bee Thankful" for the Blessings of Family on Thanksgiving!

One goes deep within to search the "Soul" for the many blessings received throughout the year.

The colors of "Nature" surrounding our lives are vibrant...and here in Texas I'm sure "Mother Nature" is thankful the heat has moved on.

The "Harvest" is bountiful_bringing the "Fruits of the Earth"....

Enhancing the "Fruit of the Spirit".

The Robo-phone calls have stopped,TV Election Ads are done & done,the he said,she said is temporarily on hold,YES_Elections are over here in America!...the storm of epic proportions!

Well for two more years at least...

There are many other "rare combinations of circumstances that will result in an event of unusual magnitude"....of epic proportions_"The Perfect Storm of Perfection"_


As for me,I AM_

...With a Sane Mind ~Living in a Sane Body,a loving Husband,Family & Friends and Beloved Cats_Hank(inside),plus Farm Cats~ Puff Daddy~The Gang of 7~Itsy & Bitsy~Panther~Gracie Jr & Sweetie_and 16 Members of the Goat Family that live in the Barn shown in my blogs background picture.Just don't get any better than that here on Aaron's Hilltop Farm!

What will you put in "YOUR" Thankful Box? 

I'm Thankful Y'all read my Blog_ Happy Thanksgiving from The Sage Book Whisperer!

~Make Thanksgiving a...
                   "Perfect Storm of Perfection"~

Monday, November 21, 2011

~Reflections on "THANKS" & "GIVING"~

I made the mistake of going to the grocery store on a Sunday_a Sunday before the Thanksgiving Celebration! I watched the carts filled to the brim, people with list longer than Santa's_full of Saturated & Trans Fats (yum), folks fussing/cussing about what they would or would NOT eat, overheard one Grandmotherly type say in a mean tone_"Not in My House", every soul NOT pushing a cart was_Texting or on the cellphone,twenty something girls with their "T"underwear showing "a full-moon harvest of sorts", pushing & shoving for the best looking TURKEY & a host of other malfunctions @ that junction_ too many to mention here! I went deep,deep,deep inside "MY ZEN ZONE" and vowed to myself.. REALLY! practice PATIENCE..right here,right now!

Afterwards,I pondered the "real" meaning of Thanksgiving.It was a time when Americans and Natives
celebrated the harvest cycles by giving thanks and rejoicing after much hard work with members of the community...what, no grocery stores/carts & mutual effort in the community? It is a tradition that both the USA & Canada celebrate in North America. The dates varied in both areas.In the United States the date was decided by individual states until the 1863 Presidential Proclamation. It was an effort to foster a sense of "American Unity" between the Northern and Southern states that President Lincoln proclaimed the date to be the final Thursday in November.So,148 years later we still struggle for "American Unity" sad is that.You would have thought we'd learned a thing or two by now.

With that wee bit of history in mind,I wondered about our present day "Harvest". All over the world there is confusion about so many issues in life.Everyone is busy,talking on cellphones,texting,and (yes)writing Blogs & chasing that never-ending dream of MORE,I need...! Surely,we can find something to give THANKS for...and GIVING a SMILE to another human being is an act of thanksgiving. So,in my quest to remain in " MY ZEN ZONE" throughout that Mass Confusion of crowded lanes,noise,carts moving at lightening speed,folks cussing/fussing...mind you this is an UPSCALE grocery store_I gave everyone a Smile..not a word came from my mouth because it would have been *!@#$~%^&^&*()+>>... LETHAL!

              "Happy Thanksgiving To Y'All,Be Kind"