Showing posts with label Edith Wharton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edith Wharton. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

~A Few of My Favorite Things~

Just a few,I Promise...

1.Place...the State of New Hampshire where we lived for a short time_favorite town...
Harrisville,NH! Incorporated in 1870, the town of Harrisville  is a unique,preserved 19th-century mill town located in the Monadnock region of Southern New Hampshire.There are nine bodies of water in the town,many backroads and trails to explore,and two original train depots at Harrisville and Chesham.First known as Twitchell's Mills,a combination sawmill and gristmill was built in 1774. This was the view above while sitting on the porch looking across the Pond.It's a step back in peaceful times.

"The General Store" we had the most delicious Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich,Chips and Dessert! All made at the Front Meat Counter inside! 2010 Census: 961 peeps! 

2.Person living or deceased...My Dad (deceased) & my HS English Teacher,Mrs Cary (91 yrs old)
3.Food...Mexican or Italian Anything!

5.Magazine..."Victoria"_Late 80's through early 90's when Nancy Lindemeyer was Editor.I met her at a Harney & Sons Tea Conference in Rye,NY,5/98.

Nancy Lindmeyer(Editor in-Chief of Victoria Magazine) & The 
Sage Book Whisperer at Harney & Sons Tea Conference,Rye,NY.

6.Precious Stone...Emerald ( my birthstone) & Claddagh because my Wedding Band _given to me by my Husband when we married 20 years ago was a Claddagh Wedding Band! 

7.Celebrity...Tina Turner 

Who looks like that in their 70's? Not there yet ..but hoping to get a headstart on this body shape.Hehehehe!

8.Things To Do When Bored...Meditate
9.Time of Day...Late Night
10.Day of Week...Wednesday(My Beauty Day)
11.Animal...My Cat,Hank The Cowcat 

12.Flower...Lillies of the Valley(my birth month flowers) 

May's birth flower is the lily of the valley, which signifies sweetness, humility, and a return to happiness.

13.Music...Classical  & Old School 60's
14.New World Music...Lorena Mckennitt 

16.Book..I'm Reader of Books,Many Books,this will be hard. But, for years I've been a fan of any
of Edith Wharton's writings.As in Age of Innocence,House of Mirth_2013 Christmas presents below..HAPPY!And,I've only visited her home_The Mount in Lenox,Ma_three times!

17.Movie...The Age of Innocence or The Last of The Mohicans
20.Wine...Pinot Grigio or Noir & Cabernet Sauvignon 

22.TV Show...PBS Midsomer Murders
24.Quote..."The Truth Shall Set You Free"
26.Month...May!Duh,it's my Birthday!

Handful,Cobbler,Pie,Smoothie,etc...I use to pick them in my Grandmother's yard as child!!!!


Southern Cream Peas w/Cornbread,sliced Tomatoes,Onions & Pickled Beets! 

29.Ice Cream Flavor...Cabell's Vanilla Bean or Limoncello Gelato 
30.Dessert...Fruit Cobbler(Blackberry,Blueberry,Apple,Pear,Peach..)
Peach Cobbler w/ Chandelier Candles & Blue Bell at my "Jamaica Mon Birthday Party".

31.Childhood Pie & Cake...Mincemeat & My Grandmother's from scratch Coconut Cake!

Mincemeat Pie,YUM!!No one else liked it,so it was all MINE.

              Yummy,Yummy Coconut Cake! 

32.Language...German(1st yr.College) 
33.Things to learn
34.Things about myself...I still have a THIRST for Knowledge.
35.Historical Figure...Boethius his writings of which I read at the ripe age of 17 for an English Class .Book was "The Consolation of Philosophy"..Amazing that this book had a lasting impression on me at that age!

Summary Part IX..Philosophy wants to move on to what constitutes true happiness. Happiness is a wholeness that cannot be found in separate pieces. Self-sufficiency is an undivided state, and it includes in its own nature the power, fame, glory, and happiness that people think exist separately. If one pursues wealth without getting power and the other qualities, one will not gain sufficiency. 
Boethius replies that Philosophy must mean “true and perfect happiness is that which makes a man self-sufficient, strong, worthy of respect, glorious and joyful”.

36.Fashion/Style...Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 

 & Audrey Hepburn Style...

37.Article of clothing I own...Purchased this Dolman Sleeve Jacket/Duster while on Spa Vacation at The Bonaventure Spa & Resort,Fort Lauderdale,Fla. in 1988.Made by Silkscape,Inc called "Peace on Earth" depicts all the children of the World in Silk appliques..hand made pieces according to the Creator Lynn Weinberg.Now called LRW Designs. 

I still love this piece & get many compliments on it.It needs some care on the back & front_otherwise perfect condition. 
 38.My Ultimate look...
And,this was my Fashion/Style as a Freshman @ University of St.Thomas,Houston,Texas 1967

                     In New Orleans ,French Quarters,1967 

39.Can't Live without...PEARLS,REAL PEARLS! 

40. All time Favorite thing to do...READ

So,my Friends...I've Shared a Few! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

About That Challenge To Blog Everyday in May....

There's a Blog.....  
that I follow that suggest to cure Blogger's Block, Bloggers should try Blogging Everyday In May!
I find the challenge....Challenging at the least! I thought about it because sometimes I do ponder...what to write, what to write?? But since this is DAY 3 and I've not done so_I decided to combine the first three days of her List into Today's Blog!

               Childhood...kinda nerdy..finished as Salutatorian of my Class!

                               Story of My Life ....
Interest include Travel, Art, Books, BBC Movies, Cooking & Entertaining, Tea & Wine Connoisseur, Decorating, Creativity,Antiques/Collectibles, Museums, Cartography,Music (except Rap)_Bach & Beethoven, Rocks!

Favorite Books:
Philosophy, Biographies, Anything Jane Austen,Edith Wharton (My Favorite Author)_or Agatha Christie, Travel & Intrigue, Historical, Cookbooks, Zen/Buddhism & 18th & 19th Century(anything),Maps,etc..

I have a great interest in many things_ my motto_:"Is to learn something "new" everyday"! Love living on our "Hill-Top Farm".Enjoy planning & preparing Dinner/Birthday Parties featuring International Cuisine, Wine & Music. I've traveled to many places as a former Medical/Hospital Sales Rep.,especially enjoy train travel_did a cross country Amtrak Trip to California for a "Wine Country Tour" last Fall, can't wait to travel on the "The Orient Express"in Europe! Owner of "Let's Talk Tea" c.1995 (a Tea Lecture & Tea Accoutrement business). I consider myself to be a "Spiritual Being having a Human experience".

                                    ~College Days~

                 Easter Break at home w/the family_shopping

Yes,this is the way I dressed for Class at University of St. Thomas.
Yes! Now it's _ a Vintage Paisley Suit(sewn by me, magenta/ burgundy colors)_ on my way to class!

Graduated from Thurgood Marshall School of Law

 Day 2
Something I know about.....
There are many things that I know something about. At the top of the List_ I'd have to say Books! I have been "addicted to books" since childhood.I always make a Reading List for each season....including different genres of Books that I might not read often_ now that's a challenge sometimes! 

Reading books is a result of my parents, Grandmother  & Uncle instilling in me the value of an Education. My Grandmother lived next door to Mary Allen College_ . I loved the Library on campus! The best way to learn about all sorts of things in the World was to read, read, read! Indeed, that's what I did then and now. I credit my ability to be good at the TV Show_ "JEOPARDY"_ because I read just about every subject matter...well except "trashy stuff". Been a Fan of that Show since childhood!
                    At an Art Cocktail Party..Opening Day

My "Moroccan Harem Nights Birthday Party w/Friends..we'd just finish our Belly dancing...Ha!

Day 3
Things that make me uncomfortable....

For the most part, I'm pretty comfortable in my skin!! Very few things get under my skin. But, I guess a pet-peeve of mine_ is people who "judge others all the time"...what they wear, how they speak, what faith, what RACE,what GENDER(who cares),where they live, what they drive, etc.. I feel very uncomfortable around this type of person. If I'm in a social environment,I immediately make an excuse of some kind and remove myself from such toxicity. I do not surround myself with these types of people. I enjoy conversations of substance.I've come to believe Maya Angelou saying_

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

So, there's  my take on the Blogging Challenge. I'm not an everyday Blogger but I admire the creative ideas that Jenni suggest. I started my Blog because I wanted an outlet for my busy creative brain cells....sit back ,relax and enjoy my thoughts on all sorts of subject matter! Thanks,for checking out my Blog!

Now for that moment_ To Zen or Zinfandel_ that is the question?

Until next time.....