Sunday, April 8, 2018


A Confession by The Sage Book Whisperer

I've been thinking about this for some time. I decided to come clean about my Secret Affair.It began very innocently_don't they all. I admired them from a distant_not wanting to get close_for I knew I'd give in to the lure of Love.Yes,LURE,something that tempts or attracts with promise of pleasure or reward. I knew in my Heart that this would be a....

For years I'd instructed the Universe to pay $130,000 per year to keep them quiet.I never signed the Confidentially Agreement....NOT binding,Right? I had been "colluding" for many years with others.My European Connection was through Germany.My German Friends visited in 2016 and caught me in the act.....they wanted to join in this affair as well. So,I sent them "SEED" money and a Dossier of a timeline...I'd been exposed! They deposited my SEED money & Dossier in  a safe on one of their trips Offshore.This is "suppose"to be the most secretive way for safe keeping and Future Investments. They are filed in said "OFFSHORE" Country under Dossier "BLAUBONNETS".

I was intercepted by my Husband _Special Counsel,John Mac-KILT-US_who found out what was going on while he tended his MAC-Cact-Us one I was BUSTED! 
~John Mac-Kilt-Us standing by his Mac-Cact-Us & Mac-Ant-Us Beds~

The Legend of my Affair was Secret no more! For years I'd secretly "grabbed" them by the stem,smelled them,kissed them_they never seemed to mind. BUT_never did I lay with them. I knew better because there could be SNAKES leaking information. They have never failed me even through "STORMY" Texas weather. NOW, the Storm clouds are rolling in...,I might have to change to Orange is the New Blue. 
Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paint Wildflowers 

Texas Bluebonnets & Maroon Bluebonnets.Yes they come in that color also! 

There you have it,I'm in LOVE with "Lupinus Subcarnosus" aka Texas Bluebonnets!The State Flower of Texas as designated in 1901.Bluebonnets are not just the state flower _Texas has also designated an official Bluebonnet Tartan Bluebonnet City & Trail in (Ennis ,Texas)Bluebonnet Festival in Chappell  Hill,Texas and  a Bluebonnet Flower Song. 

To my surprise and delight...the Bluebonnet has YET another History.The Bluebonnet was a woolen hat dating back to the 15th Century.It was the customary working wear of Scottish Laborers and Farmers.During the 18th Century the Bonnet was,to outsiders,the most readily identifiable Scottish piece of clothing.The Tartan would occupy this role in the following centuries. It was associated with the Scottish Lowlands where it was sometimes called the "scone cap". 

The Jacobite rising of 1745 or 'The '45' ."The Year of Charles") refers to the attempt by Charles Edward Stuart , also known as "Bonnie Prince Charlie" or "the Young Pretender" to regain the British throne for the House of Stuart. It was the last of a series of rebellions that began in 1689 with further revolts in 1708, 1715 and 1719. 

"45" LOST BATTLE TO TAKE OVER THE Poetic for #45 Today....Ye Ole Pretender.

                    Bluebonnets in Scotland 
More information on Scotland's Bluebonnet 
can be found here: 

My Story has been told.I'm feeling pretty good to get that off my chest.However,I continue to photograph My Dearest Bluebonnets Daily.The BACKGROUND photo & the other two photos came from my File of Bluebonnet.What started as a couple seeds about 3 years ago...has taken ROOT_here at Aaron's Hilltop Farm.Here's a few others...


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