Thursday, April 23, 2015

~Tears of the Sun ~GOLD ~ !!!!

To Be or Not To Be...."Worth one's weight in Gold "! 

Indeed,this phrase dates back to Roman times and appeared in English by the early 1300's.And,it's not lost on Today's Society....not one iota. Just the other night while watching a Travel channel_the Host spoke of stopping in the French-inspired Bagatelle NY restaurant,which offers its take on the $1,000 sundae .....
Bagatelle NY’s piece de resistance is called the Mauboussin Mega Sundae, named for the French Jeweler, Mauboussin. Bagatelle Exec.Chef Sebastein Chamaret combines homemade vanilla ice cream, chocolate truffles, homemade French macaroons, sorbet made from Dom Perignon rose champagne, "Gold Leaves", dark chocolate brownies gilded in edible "24 carat gold" and fresh whipped cream, all in an oversized martini glass covered in chocolate vodka sauce.And...Did I mention?  

You can chose Door #1 or Door#2  as ...Mauboussin  provides the black steel or white gold and diamond ring each diner takes home upon finishing dessert! 

"There's Gold in Them Thar Sundaes"
Similar to the famous words spoken by Mark Twain's character Mulberry Sellers. Supposedly,Twain was told the story of  the 1840's Gold Rush in Dahlonega,Georgia at the Dahlonega Mint. When the Gold Rush was over  many Miners headed to the California Gold Rush of 1849.Twain was inspired to write about the events via his character Mulberry Sellers_who often was quoted as saying _“There’s gold in them thar hills” and “there’s millions in it"! 

My excitement on the subject of Gold came about... 

A.The upcoming movie :"Women in Gold" starring one of my favorites Helen Mirren.

The film is based on the "true story" of the late Maria Altmann,an elderly Jewish refugee, living in Los Angeles who, together with her young lawyer,E.Randol Schoenberg,fought the government of Austria for almost a decade to reclaim Gustav Klimt's iconic painting of her aunt,"Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I",which was confiscated from her relatives by the Nazis in Vienna just prior to WW II. Altmann took her legal battle all the way to the Supreme Court of the USA,which ruled in her favor in Republic of Austria v Altmann (2004). In June 2006 the work was sold for $135 million to Ronald Lauder for the Neue Galerie in New York City,at the time a record price for a painting. It has been on display at the Neue Galerie since July 2006. 

It is painted in "OIL and GOLD" on canvas, showing elaborate and complex ornamentation as seen in the "Jugendstil Style"_aka_"Art Nouveau Style".

I've admired the work of  Gustav Klimt for years. I watched the movie "Klimt" in 2006 which describes the various conflicts and scandals,which were caused by the excessive life and "dolce vita" of the Artist.Loved it! 

B. The second reason for My Gold upcoming  "Peruvian Birthday Party Dinner" Theme in May!!! The Aztec,Mayans,& Incas had the Gold-thingie down pat!

How very fitting when you think about it ..."as "Golden Years" refers to_the time of life after retirement from active work !!!!!_that would be ME!  And..we all have heard about "Peruvian Gold" name & show just a few.
                    Museo Oro del Peru y Armas del Mundo 

NOW...this is the "Icing on the Cake" so to speak. Recently,I received my DNA Results from _which showed my Ancestry lines date back to the Mayan tribe of Peru. HOW COOL IS THAT ? 

                              My Mayan Peeps...Right? 

So...this PARTEE is on_Peruvian Food,Music and 
Decor...All things GOLDEN! I'm reading a book by 
Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa_ (He was Awarded The Noble Prize in Literature 2010)_it's called"The Dream of The Celt". 

Thought this would be a Decorative & Conversational piece _a Wooden Puzzle Box...

... found on EBay. Asked the Seller if she knew anything about it...NOT_got it for a couple of $$$. 

Guess what?????'s signed by World Renowned Peruvian Artist Angel  Callanaupa Alverez! Angel is a well known Inca artist in Chinchero. 

 He won a National Award for his paintings of Inca life and traditions. Angel’s art has gained international attention.His work is in many of the Museums of Peru.His illustrations can be seen in a new book cld... 

 His sister Nelda has Lectured /demonstrated her Textile skills Worldwide as well.Her website is awesomeness _ 

And,while learning all about this wonderful Culture...might I say(part of my heritage)_I've been listening & dancing to the Music of the Afro-Peruvian Queen....Susana Baca_of which I immediately purchased!!!! Everyone will be required to not only wear BRILLANT colors to the Partee_but must also learn this Dance!!!!!

This Blog is to be continued on this subject I did NOT discuss something dear to my heart_"The History of Gold" will NOT believe all that I've got to share with YOU! For example_The Tradition of Golden Dentistry...& other Body Decorations of the Mayans,Aztecs & Incas...Here's Smiling at You!

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