Tuesday, April 1, 2014

~Memorable Road Trip #7: From Nashua,New Hampshire to Honolulu,Hawaii (Jan.2001)~

Imagine that....5am_Shuttle arrives_ leave home in Nashua,NH to arrive at Manchester NH-Boston Airport for 7am
Flight on a "AA puddle jumper"(scary as hell)_Arrive for connecting Flight in New York's La Guardia Airport,connect in 
Chicago,Ill. for a Flight to Los Angeles International Airport_connect to Flight to Honolulu,HI_arrive there to the hanging of Leis around the neck,Music,everyone smiling_it's around 7:30 evening_ "SIX TIME ZONES"_arrive at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort situated on 22 ocean front acres of Waikiki's widest stretch of beach with a view on the balcony of Diamond Head State Monument _aka_ Le'ahi_a crater from an extinct Volcano_AND,I'm expected to do a "MEET & GREET" w/ Food & Drink in hand with the other 
approx.2000+ Hospital/Medical Sales Reps for AstraZenca! Breakfast at 6:30am & Meeting at 8am!!!!!!!!!!!!
            I'm "Fit To Be Tied" & Cray-Cray!!! 

BUT,I have to give AstraZeneca a "thumbs-up"_as it turned out to be an AWESOME TRIP! We had morning meetings, Afternoon was YOURS to play_Evenings _Big Dinners w/ everyone,some planned events as groups were optional & the "FINALE" was an authentic Lu'au with musical Guest_"K.C. and The Sunshine Band"...WOW!!! 
So,sit back,relax & enjoy the trip vicariously through my eyes! I headed out to explore while most folks took in the sunny beaches & the BARS...I was told of the many "Body Shots",i.e.
"SCANDALS" that took place each day for 5 days!! 

~ Aloha which means hello, goodbye, welcome,
farewell and love~

Iolani Palace_ first stop.

Picked my ticket up at Fort Ioloni ,just outside the gates of the Palace.The Palace is an amazing place with so much History.I picked up a couple books in the Gift Shop to learn even more....Didn't know the Scottish had such a significant role in the development of Hawaii! "The Story of Scots in Hawaii"_ Edited by Rhoda E.A.Hackler and "Hawaiian Journey" by Joseph G.Mullins tells about the early settlers to present day with over 150 historical photos! The Guided Tour is the BEST! Here's more of my photos...

For inside photos_check this link & video_

Mission House Museum_
The Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives (HMH) includes three restored houses, two of which are the oldest houses in Hawai'i, and a research archives which provides a unique glimpse into 19th-century Hawai'i both on site and online.
                                  Arrival at Entry of Mission House Village Museum 
                                                Church front...no that's NOT my LIMO! 

                                            Printing room..look at those doors,lovely! 
                          Printing Press for large one sheet "BROADSHEET" newspaper.

The "BROADSHEET" is the largest of newspaper format characterized by long vertical page of  a single sheet.
                                                                   The Tea Room in the Village Museum 

                                                     A diorama of the village 

                                                  Exhibits in Museum 

                                         One of the houses at Mission House Village 
                            Mission House Village Museum _with a Banyan Tree nearby. 
                                            For more information : http://missionhouses.org/

Watch a Tour from link above.

Some of the Views....Balcony Views~
Diamond Head...sorry about the flash! Nice to wake up to & evenings to rest.
                                          Beach area... 
                    This Hotel was next door...I loved the Pink color!

 A Post Card view of Diamond Head without my camera flash! 

About to go on a Night Dinner Cruise w/colleague Shirley Reed from New Jersey! 
We boarded here...
                            Feeling mighty fine,mighty fine! 
                                     Sunset from boat 
                                      Headed to Ioloni Palace 
                             Another Street scene.......CLEAN!! 
We'd gone for Dinner one evening at this fancy-pants Restaurant on the 20th floor....this was a view from the Dining area.

Pièce de résistance..."Afternoon Tea On The Veranda" under the Banyan Tree Court at the "Moana Surfrider Hotel"....PERFECTION! 



"Afternoon Tea" Banyan Court Veranda...

Looking down on the Banyan Tree Courtyard & Veranda _

Afternoon Tea Menu_ click on PDF file

About those Banyan Trees_
I've been known to HUG -A-TREE or two...heck I'm a leftover from the 60's TreeHuggers...I Love Trees! I kept seeing these magical trees all over Honolulu_ simply Majestic & LARGE! It would be difficult to hug ....BUT I tried anyway.

They are native to India. The leaves of the banyan tree are large, leathery, and used as animal fodder. The tree produces figs which are popular with birds and monkeys, and also produces flowers that attract wasps for pollination. Older trees can reach more than 200 meters (656 feet) in diameter, with a height of 30 meters (98 feet). 

                             ~Mystical Breathing Beauties~ 

This is my HUGGING size_

                                  Bonsai Banyan Trees

Finally,here's a couple of photos taken on the last night_where we were treated to an authentic
                "Hawaiian Feast~ A Lu'au"
Entertainment by K.C. & The Sunshine Band! 

Can't remember her name _but she was VP of Marketing for
AstraZeneca and from East Texas(where I was born & raised)...we connected!
Visiting with C.G. Johansson, President and CEO, AstraZeneca LP North American Operations. He served as CEO of Astra Zeneca United States and Executive Vice President of global Astra Zeneca plc between 1999 and 2001, after which time he retired after 38 years with the company. Nice Swedish Fellow! 

AND...K.C. & The Sunshine Band!

The last song they played to fireworks over the Hawaiian Sky was...

And, I did as they suggested....Shake,Shake,
Shake my Booty!

Left the next morning with a deep appreciation
for the 50th state(August 21,1959)! when Dwight D. Eisenhower was President.

The  only U.S. state made up entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia ,occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. 
      Photo taken while on the Evening Cruise!

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