Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy,Happy Birthday ~Dr.Wayne Dyer~

Now this makes me smile!!!!Seems like many years ago, I was introduced to Dr. Wayne Dyer's work via Books, Cassettes and VHS (remember those?) While perusing my Facebook account_ a news feed from his page came up. He's celebrating a birthday today_73 years young!

This reminded me of the "FIRST" time I met him. That was on September 11,1993 at the Dallas, Texas Music Hall. At the time I was a Hospital Sales Rep. So a couple co-workers and I attended to see what he was all about. I was was so much more than I expected. Afterwards, I was determined to meet him after reading that his birthday was May 10th...see I'm a May Baby as well. Finally, I got the chance to get his autograph and visit with him_ mentioning that my birthday was May 17th_his May 10th_both Taurus. His response_ "Wow! You can smell the BS in here"!! Everyone around laughed so hard about his sense of humor.

                           September 11,1993, Dr. Wayne Dyer & me

I became a " Dr. Wayne Dyer Follower". I read all his books, listened to everything on tape and watched his work over & over & over! Somewhere along the way, I emailed him that I wanted to write a book one day. He put me in touch with his Literary Agent in Ft.Lauderdale,Fla.(we still send Christmas cards to each other)...he lived there at the time.I in return sent his wife some on my Specialty Tea_"Texas Breakfast" from my Tea company_"Let's Talk Tea". It got to be a regular gift I'd send.

Then,he returned to Dallas to Speak at the Unity Church around 1996. His then secretary informed me _so here's a photo opt for that "Moment in Time"...

                Unity Church, Dallas, Texas around 1996

Many things happened after 1996.My husband and I moved from Texas to Nashua, New Hampshire. I never lost sight of his teaching. The one that helped me the most_was:"12 Steps For Understanding The Universe Within You". Satori (Enlightenment of One's Self & True Nature)_ means so much to me even today!

It was my source of Strength then and now. My favorite learning statement is: "When the Student is ready the Teachers will appear". And, they did then early in my career and now as I'm Retired_ still making & meeting goals!
                      ~Japanese Characters for Satori~

Dr. Wayne Dyer's works are many. Visit his website to start Your Journey or Refresh your Journey to Greatness Within!!!

Books and products:

Finally, on December 19,2005 after returning to Texas_I treated my husband to an Event he says to this day was AWE-INSPIRING. Dallas Convention Center :

And, I got to listen to his daughter sing. He introduced us_ what a beautiful person as well!

                                      Skye and me
Her music_sample

On that same Program, Dr.Dyer introduced me to this wonderful lady...

Immaculee and me 2005
 Her life transformed dramatically in 1994 during the Rwanda genocide when she and seven other women huddled silently together in a cramped bathroom of a local pastor’s house for 91 days! During this horrific ordeal, Immaculée lost most of her family, but she survived to share the story and her miraculous transition into forgiveness and a profound relationship with God.
The Book she wrote
So,I think it's fitting that I pay Tribute to a man that changed my life. A couple years ago he suffered a heart attack and bouts with Leukemia.He looks well...prayers!I continue to catch his shows on PBS and read his books ,watch CD's (NOW). If you've never heard of him,read his books or attended his Speaking engagements,Cruises,etc...Don't Delay! It's a treat.I feel very Blessed to have met him.
Some of his Thoughts to ponder: 
"My beliefs are that the truth is a truth until you organize it, and then becomes a lie. I don't think that Jesus was teaching Christianity, Jesus was teaching kindness, love, concern, and peace. What I tell people is don't be Christian, be Christ-like. Don't be Buddhist, be Buddha-like.". "Religion is orthodoxy, rules and historical scriptures maintained by people over long periods of time. Generally people are raised to obey the customs and practices of that religion without question. These are customs and expectations from outside the person and do not fit my definition of spiritual."

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