Thursday, January 10, 2013

Flight 2013~Destination "Greenlands"~

"Zero-Dark-Hundred-Hours"...pending 01-13-13......Entering the Greenlands Zone....                                   
I've been wanting to "visit" the "Greenlands" area for sometime.I am a curious person! It occurred to me that travel in the first part of the year would be a wonderful relief.Considering the "Dark Corners of the World" I've been traveling down since my vacation in October to Wine Country in Paso Robles, California via Amtrak.Amtrak had the most delicious treats for extracurricular eating activities! Upon arrival,I tasted many kinds of wine containing many calories...given the name...Ms.Triglycerides_a fancy name for Mr.Fat.  
Returning to only start planning another adventure_Thanksgiving 2012!That was the beginning of "Free-Fall Season"...plunging oneself down those slippery slopes,reaching voluminous levels of heaping fat grams,sugar induced comatose as my Inner Self & Inner Child looked on with a happy face! Then there were parties in these vacation lands,dressed in Saturated fats,sporting artery clogging attire beyond what the heart could imagine_as if they were runway models.I applauded their Runway Finesse. I did not disappoint them! I came,I saw,I ate!!! Then there was B-A-C-O-N_ ErMG! had me at the smell when the heat met the pan..while BACON, just laid in the fat,glistening all nice,dripping with goodness.I started to drool,a lot...a whole lot!..I was determined to_  
So,in rolls New Year's Eve and Day! At this point,I was thinking_I'm really getting tired of this Vacation thingie_don't know if I want to take any more trips real soon! But,one last adventure_I was up to the task....boarded the flight,First Class ticket in hand_took off _landing two days later on some unknown Island_that I was sure I'd visited in the past.It was "Digitally Accurate" Scale Island!! .....This was gonna be scary_but I scaled the height of that mountain_Mt.GainWeight without fear,steadfast,unwavering in submission to the verdict!I knew those vacations had done me in...I needed rest from my weary ways & extra load!
Therefore,I'm going to "Greenland"...right Now,...right Here..until I can physically climb off Mt.GainWeight on Scale Island with my Honor intact!
This is one Destination_that I thought I'd near E-V-E-R board.If I did_ I'd be the last to board the flight! But, I happen to like Green and Fruit Land,it might not be so bad! It's not like I'm going to Greenland all at once_I figured I'd explore the Beaches of Arugula,Basil,Beet Greens,Bok Choy,Cabbage,Celery,Broccoli,Swiss Chard(LOVE),Collards,Dandelion,Kale,Mint,Spinach,Turnips,Watercress,etc.Maybe ,I'll hang out at Fruit Hill_taking in Apples,Avocado,Blackberries,Cranberries,Cucumber,Kiwi,Papaya,Peach,Star Fruit,Limes,etc..Then there's the Super Food Beaches_Acai Berries,Aloe Vera,Bee Pollen,Cayenne Pepper,Almond Butter,garlic,Ginger,Flaxseed Oil/Seeds,Pumpkins and CHOCOLATE. It's my understanding that only VIPs get to chill on occasion with this one_CHOCOLATE_imagine  a few organic raw cocoa nibs to a green drink while chill-laxing on Fruit Hill!!!
This might be fun!I'll still be able to .......

I shall whisk the Green Matcha Powder until frothy...kick my feet up with a book in tow_and restore my Mind & Body including the "E" word..exercise)! I'm starting to like the sound of this vacation.My body will appreciate getting rid of all the toxic foods during my Dark Days since October! My IV Infusion of new nutrients_minerals,enzymes,fiber,vitamins,amino acids,etc...who knows what kind of marathons I might be tempted to run while on vacation_NOT! Walk maybe but NOT run!
It is my understanding that all Guest at this vacation Destination_"Greenland"_can chose to use this great product instead of calling room service for fresh products with the same results_ as it's organic & freeze dried!
Heck,they've even got this for "Happy Hour"in Greenlands.......Cocktails...
Here's a great Book I found while browsing on vacation....
A ~ Helpful~ Chart...
So,you can safely say_I've got Greenland on the Brain... 
We will see how this vacation goes_lasting until March_St.Pat's Day Party!Just sayin'...I'm planning ahead! Will let y'all know about my Destination Greenland progress....later on.But,for the time being_think I'll grab a drink and get this Green Party started in Greenlands!
~You are what You Eat !~


  1. I shall join you on this Greenland vacation to the best of my ability. Green tea and salads are do-able.

  2. Let's Do it AP!I'm gonna do it slowly_incorporate the green drinks daily until it becomes automatic & I reach my goal!
