Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Still Life On the Rails~

There's....no feeling better than an Adventure on a train_Riding the Rails!

One of my favorite Art forms in the Sixties was making a Collage of fun times or things I loved! My friends would hide from me_camera in hand...they knew they'd be plastered on my latest Collage! 

Collage morphed into Decoupage,Picture Boards,Dream Boards,PhotoMontage,Photographic Mosaic_now in this Era_Digital Collage! So, I decided to present my "Amtrak Wine Country Vacation "in the form of a Collage of Photos & Videos(kinda sorta). Drum Roll,Please....
                                                     "Still Life On The Rails"! 

                             ******PHOTOS & VIDEOS******

West Texas_Train stop in Alpine,Texas

                                         ~Last car on the train view~

       ~Writing in Journal while sipping Wine on "SWAYING" train ~Difficulty 10+ ~ 
Don't get me wrong_because I like this "Swaying Thingie"_Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore.......

                             ~Tuscon,Arizona Sunset from Observation Lounge~

                             ~Start of "The Salad Bowl"_the greens of Simi Valley,California~

                              ~Entering Santa Babara,California ~ Pacific Ocean Coastline~

                 ~Low Rider Biker at Carpinteria State Beach~ they waved to us~Cool!

                                             ~Postcards from the Edge~

                                               ~Santa Barbara Tourist Hostel~

~Passing Train on a Steep Grade~The Engineer was a Woman!She Rocked it~

            ~The Hills are Alive with Green Food Group,I need a Salad right now!~

                         ~Train nearing the Station_next stop_San Luis Obispo~

Note:Sitting in my room,enjoying early evening reading & wine_kinda dark out_all of a SUDDEN a LIGHT appears,rumbling is felt & this BAD Boy fly's by at 300 mph_Whew!WT??...first time it happened_scared the Hell outta me!Ah,the second,third,fourth,etc...scared the S%^#T outta me! They look like Monsters_Not to be played with!

~This is where the fun begins.First of two Horseshoe Curves powered by Amtrak's 2 GE P42 Locomotives~

                   ~Highway 101 in view from the Observation Lounge below the train~

~My Recordings~ 

~So many Wineries..what's a girl to do?~Drink No Wine Before it's Time!~

~Niner Wine Estates ~ We had a great Picnic Lunch here~that's me having fun below holding My Wine Journal_ah,each page is filled with ZEE-Grape in my French accent!~

                          ~Niner Wine Estates~ http://www.ninerwine.com/

                                     ~Wine Signs at every twist & turn of the road~

                                                    ~Wine Making Machinery~

                                         ~Last minute Antiquing~

Depot for Train _next to The Wine Wrangler~Tour Guides~Waited on the train surrounded by WINE....First Class Outfit!Headed back....

                             Found this video_much better than my amateur one,Enjoy!

Arriving in LA Union Station_boarding the train back to Texas_I must say "What a Ride"! Book your Amtrak Train ride soon at www.amtrak.com

As the train rolls towards Texas_I feel a sigh of sadness as I checked out the sunset at Amtrak Maricopa,Arizona Train Station...

                               "Still Life on the Rails"
Check out Blog Post for other photos,etc ...HERE>

                     ~What a ride!!!!~

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