Friday, September 28, 2012

~This Week's~ErMG! Moments~

ErMG!_I am Outraged over this week's controversy...


Global Bacon Shortage 'Unavoidable' Next Year 2013, Says U.K.'s National Pig Association

                                                         ~Bacon StarBurst~

By Friday..9/28_

There Will Be "No" Bacon Shortage

British trade association press release sent the Internet "BACON LOVERS"into a senseless panic!

I dare they send me into such a New York,Texas Bacon State of Mind!Do they not know...has no one told the World...I Love Bacon,ET Phone Home as there will be BloodShed over Bacon Shortages!!!!!!
Now,this is serious folks_I became addicted to Bacon at an early Dad's fault_hey,gotta blame someone_but it's true.In the Piney Woods of East Texas_my Dad would buy several packages per week of this 1/2 to 3/4 inch of Cracked Pepper Bacon with a crispy rind when fried for our enjoyment!

                                       Crispy Pork Rinds with Tabasco...yum!
We'd take road trips to Center,Texas at a Roadhouse Stand just for this Bacon!Everywhere you'd drive...back roads,main roads,highways,Interstate_there was always a "Smokehouse with Bacon".

                                    "Bacon HolyLand"

Do Not Mess with an East Texan and their Bacon! Now,I liked the sides grits & eggs(which I hate eggs now),waffles or pancakes or BLT Dagwoods,Bacon cooked in veggies,Pork rinds w/ Tabasco,just plain slices of Bacon,Bacon & Mustard Sandwich,Bacon on Salad,Baked Potato & Bacon...You Get it Bacon Goes with everything!As a kid ,I was in for the ride_just
"Start Me Up".....

As time went on_and especially after starting my career in Medical/Hospital Sales_I learned there's such a Damn thing called Cholesterol,High Blood Pressure,Heart Problems,etc..
So,I had to Change My Evil Ways....
About 10 years ago,I successfully completed a Self-Imposed  "12 Step Bacon De-Programming"! I did NOT totally give up Bacon_but narrowed it down to twice a year.
March _for St.Pat's Day Party_Bacon goes well with Colcannon (an Irish tradition).And,my husband's Irish & likes Colcannon with Bacon!As a matter of fact I Blogged about "Bacon Get Me Bodied" in March.Read about it here:
During Christmas Holidays,I'll eat Bacon.Yep,been doing that for 10 years...I'm good with that! Haven't even been tempted to taste some of the outrageous things that Bacon shows up in:
                                                Bacon Candied Martini
                                                    Edible Bacon Roses
                                   Bacon Chocolate Turtles...will try one day!
                                         Dark & Milk Chocolate Covered Bacon
                                   Burger King's Bacon Sundae
                                       Bacon Ice Cream Sandwiches
                                                      Bacon Pie

            Bacon Cupcakes..I might be tempted if the filling is Red Velvet..just sayin..

                                         My favorite Bacon of all times_Irish Back Bacon

                                         Bacon Salad Cups...I will make this!!!!

Soooooo,when some British News release suggested that the shortage of bacon was near_2013-I was WT???Turns out they're just bracing the British folks for a price hike.Creating havoc,people hoarding bacon,Bacon fights in the Meat Dept of Grocery stores,pushing & shoving,Bacon Gang Wars,Bacon Bombings,Bacon Drive Bys,Bacon Mobs,etc....

Now_NBC confirms they just got on the band wagon to preach the Gospel as well!All Hogwash....

ErMG!_Extra!Extra! The President Steps in_"Third World War Averted"!

I'm thinking my next "Bacon-eating Session" for Christmas would NOT happen...I would have a Relapse, for sure_back to Bacon Re-Hab...Doesn't seem right to disturb my Zen-Bacon Moments with such BS!I'm still kinda mad...just sayin....

Yet,I Pray You_"All's Well That Ends Well"..~Shakespeare~


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