Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's Up?It's My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greetings from the Birthday Girl.....yeah!So,all you fellow May17th Birthday babies...Happy Birthday to ya!
Birthday's have always been pretty "Special" to me.As a kid,it was the birthday cake & ice cream,whatever my favorite meal may have been at the time,friends over for a party or just a family celebration,presents and more presents...and of course the annual....

I did not like this tradition..Why?Because,I got enough spankings from my mother everyday to last a lifetime.Mind you,I was my "Daddy's Girl"_so I NEVER got a spanking from Dad.Dad would just look at all 5 of us and we were good!

Seems this spanking thingie is in fact a ritual and/or tradition in some places!Take China for example..thousands of Chinese come to the Dong Lung Gong temple on the first day of the lunar Chinese New Year to take part in the century old ritual of spanking to rid  them of bad luck.The part I don't get is_the men are spanked,the women whipped!A little incense is burned_two pieces of wood are tossed_after which they all go home happy_they're Done & Done..and believe their luck will improve...mmm think I"ll pass on that one!

On Easter Monday_the Slavic tradition of hitting girls and young ladies with woven willow switches_then dousing them with water_is an "OUCH" moment for sure...switches,yea I remember those. In Slovenia if anyone succeeds in climbing to the top of Mount Triglav_the reward is a spanking.But the Romans_by God_they added a Festival called Lupercalia_naked men running through the streets of the city,carrying straps which they swatted the outstretched palms of women who wished to become pregnant...HAHAHAHAHAHA!Duh,they just needed to stop running,grab one of the women ...and the rest could be history!

So the North American tradition is a "birthday spanking"_ where the birthday girl or boy receives the same number of hits as his/her age (plus "one to grow on") during the birthday party. Birthday spankings are administered over the clothes and usually by close friends or family members, and are generally playful swats not meant to cause real pain. Okay,I'll keep it clean at this point_because "Adult Spankings" could be misinterpreted as a chapter in "Fifty Shades Of Grey"by E.L James it and weep! Birthday party will be this weekend! will NOT be a Victorian type settings as pictured friends and I have already done that one...a couple years back with a Jane Austen TeaParty one wanted to eat the traditional "Spotted Dick"Pudding..ah,the name didn't sit well with the girls, :-( !  I have this group of close knit girlfriends_where we make it a point to celebrate each other's Birthday and Christmas together.I started giving theme parties about 10 years ago...I now call them our Passport Parties.We visit a country as .....

"Mental Travelers"to experience the Culture,Music,Decor and Food.So far we've traveled to Africa,Italy,Russia, England,France,Ireland,Brazil,Japan_this year Greece! It started out of my love of cooking,music and being a History Geek! Each time,I've researched the culture,music,food and create the decor for ambiance!I made everyone Passport Books with stamps from each country.

 For the Russian Party _we all took on Russian women names,sang "From Russia With Love" & tasted at least 10 Vodkas_Vodka Shots,Baby_I did DROPPER Shots_no fan of Vodka;France was a 12 course meal with plenty of Wine & we wore berets,Japan was a tribute to one of my favorite movies "Memoirs of a Geisha",we wore Kimonos ate Japanese style;Morocco_I created a tent inside my home depicting a Marrakesh Market & we Bellydanced & sang the Top 10 song of Morocco_you just should have been there_we all become hysterical at the mention of that song;"Under The Tuscan Sun" was awesome (Italy)_learned to eat black truffles+In Home Wine Tasting presented by an Italian Vendor_we were toast by the final wine_Moscato;Brazil_ CARNIVAL....what happens at CARNIVAL stays at CARNIVAL! This year one of my friends took on the task of my Birthday Party.

We're going to Greece,y' in Goddess,BellyDancer,Warrior Goddess, Pagan Goddess Eostre.....around the Pool_ with hopes that scantily-clad Bronze Gods will appear at our beck and call..for whatever our needs may be....(keep it clean people!)

Since the origins of birthday celebrations is like most holidays_Pagan_Tarot Cards may be read,pampering may be had,bellydancing WILL take place,Greek foods will be served,Greek Music will be played and the decor will be Greek inside and out!

We may even do this traditional dance...
supposedly a great way to pass out...mmm,NOT at my partee! 

BUT,.."OPA" a Greek expression to express joy or high spirits while dancing will be heard!
It's a happy word_it's about leaving the past behind and starting over.
So as we partake in the Spirit of Greece...

..we'll be sure to shout an "OPA" or two for the Greeks! The current economic situation of Greece in the world as one Singer Giorgos Alkaios stated:

"I think Greek people want to say an "OPA" and get out know break a plate,and you know,very...with dance,and feelings,and smile.Live or leave it.This is the word we sing".

I can't wait to share with you all the fun,"BREAK A PLATE OR TWO",eat,drink & be Merry! A good friend is traveling from Tacoma,Washington,another from East Texas(my Classmate) and a college friend from Dallas for the partee!We gonna get our Grecian Goddess on......until then all you May's looking at ya....




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